Skif­fer User Guide

Welcome to Skiffer -your secure meeting point

Skiffer is a video conferencing system for secure meetings. The service is provided by Tutus and all infrastructure are located in Sweden in security classified facilities and operated by security cleared personnel only.

Skiffer offers authenticated meetings with all qualified Swedish and European eIDAS-certificates

In order to be able to book conferences with Skiffer you need a moderator account. If you need an account, please contact us at .

If you have aquired a moderator account and have a valid license, you need to register. Please make sure you have your eID available. By registering you accept the terms and conditions.

If you do not have the possibility to use an qualified e-identification, you can instead obtain a moderator account that is limited to creating unauthenticated meetings only. In that case, you use can use a Google account or FIDO2-token (i-e- Yubikey) as autentication.

Use Skiffer

Skiffer does not require any 3rd-party software to be installed. Skiffer works directly in Edge and Chrome based browsers. For best experience in your mobile, we recommend that you download the Jisti app.

A video conference i set up in three simple steps:

  1. Book a conference
  2. Invite participants
  3. Join the conference
Skiffer 2 0

1. Book a confernece

  1. In your browser, connect t:
  2. Enter a name for the conference
  3. Choose if you require e-identification for all participants by selecting Authenticated Conference
  4. Enter the date, time and duration of the conference. Note that it is possible to have a conference running longer than what is stated here.
  5. Enter a description for the meeting (optional)
  6. Click the Book-button.

2. Invite participants

When you have booked a conference, you can invite participants to the conference in different ways. The tab Your bookings has several different options:

Your bookings

  • Add to Calendar -downloads a calendar entry (.ics-file) that you can import into your calendar and then invite participants to.
  • Email Invitation -Starts your email client with a ready-made invitation letter and meeting link that you can send to attendees.
  • Copy Link - Copies the meeting link to the clipboard that you can paste into any program for forwarding to participants.
  • Share - (smartphone or tablet only) makes it possible to share the link to another app.

Keep in mind that the meeting link ( contains the "key" to be able to join a conference and it therefore should be treated confidentially and only shared to those who are expected to participate in the conference. See also the possibility to use a password below.

Note that the My Bookings and Recently Visited tabs use cookies to work. If you switch computer or browser, clear your cookies or use the so-called incognito mode in your browser, there is a risk that you will no longer see your booked conferences. We therefore recommend that you should always include yourself when inviting to a conference. In that case you will minimize the risk that you as a moderator do not have the link available when the conference is to begin.

3. Join the conference


As the moderator, the easiest way to connect to a booked conference is to click on the conference name in the My Bookings tab. As a moderator, you can join the conference at any time. It is recommended to connect some time before the meeting starts to set up your microphone, camera and other meeting settings before the other participants are allowed to connect. As a moderator, your first and last name and authentication method will be presented to all other participants.

Keep in mind that Skiffer does not store any information or settings for conferences without any active participants. If you want to set up meeting settings (lobby for example), you need to stay in the meeting until it starts.


Invited participants joins the conference by clicking on the invitation link they received or by entering it directly in their web browser. A participant who tries to connect before the specified conference time arrives at a waiting room that counts down the time until the conference starts. When the conference starts, the participants are automatically re-directed to the meeting. If it is an authenticated conference, the participant's first and last name and used e-identification method will be displayed to the other participants, eg Joe Doe (eIDAS). For unauthenticated meetings, the participant choose a name or alias to be presented at the conference.

Features in Skiffer

Skiffer has a menu with buttons for different functions

  • Microphone -click on the mic-symbol in order to switch the microphone on and off. Click on the ^-symbol to choose microphone and speakers
  • Camera -Click on the camera icon in order to switch the camera on and off.
  • Screen share -Click on the screen icon to activate screen sharing; the entire desktop, single window or browser tab.
  • Chat -Chat function is for sending text messages and emojis. It is also possible to send private messages directly to an individual participant by clicking on the participants window and selecting Private message.
  • Vote -In the chat view there is also a tab for voting.
  • Raise hand -Click on the hand to call attention during the meeting.
  • Tile view -click the tile view icon to switch between the view that shows all participants and the view that focuses on the current speaker.
  • User settings -Click on the circle with your initials to make personal settings. Note that if you try to change the display name, it will not have an impact on other participants.
  • Meeting settings -Click on the three dots to make additional conference settings. Here you can, among other things, select a virtual background, enter a meeting password and activate the lobby (if you are a moderator). See below.

More features


The lobby allows the moderator to actively approve meeting participants before they are admitted to join the conference. A moderator who wants to activate the lobby function needs to log in to the meeting before it begins and activate the lobby by clicking on the three dots - Security options and then Activate the lobby. In order to the settings to remain, the moderator needs to stay in the conference until it starts.


As a moderator, it is possible to further protect a conference with a password. The password should be sent in a different channel and not together with the invitation link itself have any greater effect. The moderator chooses the password himself and needs to set it in the meeting settings (three points - security options - add password) before the official meeting time to have any effect. Passwords can also prevent participants who have been rejected from the meeting from reconnecting. If you have a password and the lobby activated at the same time, participants who know the password can joint without being admitted by the moderator.

Reject participant

A moderator can reject (kick out) participants in the meeting who for some reason should not be allowed to remain in the conference. Click on the menus in the window for the current participant (three vertical dots) and select Kick out. To prevent the participant from trying to rejoin the meeting, the moderator can choose to set a new password before the current participant is thrown out.


Frequently Asked Questions

I am unable to join or I have problems with audio and/or video

  • For the service to work you need to allow the following ports from your browser / phone (to TCP port (443, 5349) and UDP port (10000, 3478). Contact your System Administrator / IT-department for support with this.
  • If you are using TLS Intercept / SSL Inspection an exception needs to be made for and and hostname

How many participants per conference is supported

  • At the present we support up to 100 participants per conference.

Is the service supported in other, non Chrome based web browsers, such as Firefox.

  • No, these browsers lack critical features and also risk degrading the user experience for other participants.

When I use the tile view, I do not see all participants even though they have the camera activated.

  • This is because the client only retrieves the camera video stream from the most recent active participants in order to reduce the load on both the client and the network.

How can I see other participants while sharing PowerPoint in presentation mode?

To prevent PowerPoint from running in full screen mode, go to Slideshow> Configure Slideshow and click on Window.

Then share your PowerPoint Window in Skiffer (not the entire desktop). Now you are able run the slideshow without it taking over all the other windows on your desktop.

Total Participants Participants with video at the same time











In which countries do skiffer work with strong authentication?

In Sweden, skiffer supports authentication with BankId, Freja, Tax office ID card. eIDAS & SITHS Card.

Strong authentication works abroad with Freja Extended in the following countries:

United Kingdom